Corporate Volunteering fördert Engagement und Nachhaltigkeit

Klare Botschaften und gezielte Kommunikation nutzen, um Corporate Volunteering optimal einzusetzen und intern wie extern Vertrauen und Identifikation zu fördern.

Soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen

The demand for sustainability is constantly growing, and companies are increasingly being called upon to become active not only economically but also socially. One effective way of meeting this responsibility is corporate volunteering. This is not just about providing financial support for individual projects, but above all about investing time, knowledge and skills. Companies create the framework for their employees here – for example, through paid leave or the provision of resources – and thus promote active social engagement.

For companies, corporate volunteering is not only a contribution to society, but also a valuable communication tool. It demonstrates the company's social values and positions the brand as a responsible player in the social discourse. Our communication strategy places a particular focus on addressing stakeholders in a targeted manner and strengthening the corporate image.

Why corporate volunteering is a win-win-win situation

  1. For employees:
    Corporate volunteering enables employees to make a meaningful contribution outside of their day-to-day work. Participating in such projects promotes personal and professional development, whether it's acquiring new skills, strengthening existing skills (e.g. teamwork, leadership and problem solving) or changing perspectives – all of which contributes to individual fulfillment.

    Communicative focus: personal stories

    Tell personal stories to illustrate the emotional value of the projects. Successful communication thrives on authentic experiences of employees on the company website, in blogs or on social media, where they can report on their commitment and experiences.
  2. For the company:
    Companies can use corporate volunteering to establish themselves as responsible players – a reputational gain that benefits them with customers, partners and potential employees.

    Communicative focus: reputation management and employer branding

    The connection between corporate culture and social projects should be highlighted in communications to promote the company's attractiveness as an employer and to encourage employee identification. Social engagement should be emphasized on the website, in press releases or in annual reports, for example.
  3. For society:
    Corporate volunteering makes a significant contribution to the community. Whether through financial or personnel support, employees help advance important projects that sustainably improve life in cities and communities.
    Last but not least, corporate volunteering also contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Communicative focus: storytelling and CSR reports

    Make the tangible results of corporate volunteering visible by highlighting the added value for society and the contribution of employees in corporate communications, e.g. in the form of success stories, project data, images and testimonials from partner organizations.

Kaltwasser Kommunikation and corporate volunteering: engagement that matters

Since 2021, Kaltwasser Kommunikation has been part of the “Unternehmen Ehrensache” initiative, organized by the ISKA in Nuremberg. Every year, the team gets involved in social projects to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 11: “Sustainable Cities and Communities” – because we are committed to the cities where our agencies are located. Projects such as the Eberhardshof Senior Citizens' Network (2021), the AWO parent education program (2022), the Südstadt-West Senior Citizens' Network (2023) and the Leo District House (2024) promote social participation and are committed to the city's citizens.

In addition, Kaltwasser Kommunikation supports communication in pro bono projects, such as the social media strategy of the sports club Bayern07. Social engagement not only promotes corporate goals, but also strengthens the exchange between employees, companies and society.

Find out more here: social engagement of Kaltwasser Kommunikation

Corporate Volunteering – More options for social participation

Corporate volunteering is much more than just a trend – it offers companies the opportunity to take on social responsibility while strengthening the bond with their employees. When companies give their employees the opportunity to get involved in social causes, everyone benefits: the company, the employees and society. There are many ways to communicate these activities, and this creates real added value. Those who integrate corporate volunteering into their corporate culture and communications are sending a strong signal in favor of sustainability and community action.

Your contact person

[Translate to English:] @orga19sb

Nina Rittler
+49 911 530 63-122

At Kaltwasser Kommunikation, we believe real change comes from active engagement.

Corporate volunteering combines our expertise with social value.“