Where do professional decision-makers get their information from?

This is one of the key findings of the 2015/16 B2B decision-maker analysis of the German specialised press. Since 94 percent of the core target group uses print or digital specialised media, particularly trade journals.

Professional articles

This is one of the key findings of the 2015/16 B2B decision-maker analysis of the German specialised press. Since 94 percent of the core target group uses print or digital specialised media, particularly trade journals. The articles in these are composed not only by editors, but often also by external authors, who may be freelance journalists and writers, as well as marketing managers or communicators. 

But what makes a good professional article?

In her Bachelors thesis, our colleague Sarah Schöffler examined this very topic and came to the following conclusion: Guest articles and author articles in B2B trade journals only meet some of the criteria of quality journalism. 

Criteria such as comprehensibility and attractiveness are almost always met. Professional selection criteria, transparency, source information and source criticism – i.e. quality features of journalism –however, frequently take a back seat. 

Our opinion 

When composing a professional article, it is therefore important to remain objective. This means avoiding superlatives, half-truths and exaggerated terms such as “market leadership”, “technological breakthrough” and “groundbreaking solution”. Another basic requirement for a good article is that the author always put themselves in the reader’s shoes, and consider what information they need for what purpose. The article should thus particularly pursue the following aim: It should provide information on solution and approaches – and therefore minimise the risk associated with any decision being made by professional decision-makers. Et voilà.


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Our reference: Press and Public Relations for Siemens


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