Digital Transformation: Inspire – Enable – Change

Get started and set the value chain of digital transformation in motion.

Inspire – Enable – Change

Get started and set the value chain of digital transformation in motion

Digitisation (electrification, automation and networking) is driving us all forward. The changes we are witnessing are having a massive and sometimes disruptive impact on all areas of life. The scope, speed and reach of this 4th industrial revolution are unprecedented.

„Der Geist der Digitalisierung besteht darin, digitale Technologien so zu nutzen, dass damit bestehende Geschäftsmodelle vollständig neu gestaltet werden und im Idealfall neue Möglichkeiten der Wertschöpfung in Unternehmen entstehen.“
(Quelle: ).

Sich verändernde Kundenbedürfnisse, innovative und neuartige Produkte wie Dienstleistungen und technologische Entwicklungen verlangen nach Transformationsprozessen. Veränderungsprozesse im Rahmen der Digitalen Transformation verlaufen nicht linear, sondern exponentiell. Diese neue, teils hohe Komplexität erfordert eine intensive Rückkopplung zwischen unternehmerischer Vision und Strategie, operativer Umsetzung und allen beteiligten Stakeholdern.
Wir unterstützen Sie beim Start Ihrer Transformation – mit klar verorteter Expertise und zugleich aus einer Hand. Von der Vision über die Strategie bis hin zur Umsetzung.


To take the first step into a new world you need one thing above all else - trust! To build trust in the future you need an awareness for change. And this is exactly where we start with INSPIRE. In our keynotes, we take you into the living, working and customer worlds of the future and show you which innovations, trends and technologies are emerging. In workshops, coaching sessions and projects, we work with you to define the drivers that are relevant to you and transfer them into your individual vision of the future. In doing so, we will clarify which of the drivers have (or will have) an influence on your business model and to what extent. Our goal is to work with you to create an overview that gives you the opportunity to make the right decisions.

Let us shape the future together and bring you to a competitive position in the future! From brainstorming to the implementation of innovation management. Take advantage of our expertise, our network and our methods and connect them with your company and employees. The greatest potential is within our own ranks - let us unfold it together!


In order to lead the developed ideas and visions to lasting success, the right mindset of the entire team and the executives is needed. In the area of ENABLE, we first carry out a location analysis, followed by individual measures to develop the mindset for the (digital) transformation and to anchor it in the organisation in the long term. Together with you, we develop your individual roadmap for the appropriate mindset. Subsequently, we - faithfully Badura - lift the true treasure of competence development: The transformation from unconscious incompetence into conscious incompetence leads to a knowledge acquisition and a location analysis, on which individual development plans are then based. For this purpose, we have developed the Digital Competence Indicator (DCI), a tool that scientifically analyzes the digital mindset in a valid and objective manner and gives the user individual feedback on the characteristics of the six success-critical dimensions of the digital mindset, coupled with the individual digital type characteristics.
In so-called "Know My Profile Coachings" we develop individual mindset learning paths with all employees. These are equipped with workshops and interactive formats from our DCI Academy and can be expanded to include your in-house learning offerings.
Through group evaluations of the individual DCI reports, we can give you an overall picture of the mindset of your organisation. Based on the previously developed vision, your company will be empowered holistically. Should it become apparent that there are unoccupied roles in your organization, we can present you with candidates (from the hard skills and mindset) through our own recruiting team, so that there are no talent gaps.


Pick up your employees and take them with you on your journey: Through innovative and dialogue-driven communication measures it is possible to win them over permanently for the transformation to be mastered, to enable them to deal with new challenges and to inspire them for the future.
Well thought-out change communication thus becomes a guarantee of success for your CHANGES. Based on conceptual-strategic considerations, we define your individual stakeholders (groups) and examine the status quo of your current and planned communication (SWOT). We then derive communicative goals from your corporate goals and begin with the development or expansion of integrated communication measures (internal and external). Whether creative storytelling, the establishment of a resilient change story, or the writing of success stories - finding stories, writing them and communicating them efficiently and target-group oriented is part of our agency DNA. It is central that a dialogue sustainably increases the acceptance of the changes and also successively changes the corporate culture in a future-oriented way. Noticeable, measurable and efficient.
Further information can be found here.


Your contact person

Andreas Schauerte

Andreas Schauerte
+49 911 530 63-117