Veranstaltungshinweis: NUEWW
Volles Programm auf der Nürnberg Web Week
Wohin entwickelt sich Social Media? Worauf kommt es beim Texten fürs Web an? Wie verändert sich die Kommunikation?
PR-Ranking Germany 2016
Kaltwasser Kommunikation continues the success of previous years – and sees the energy sector becoming even more important
In 2016, the growth of Kaltwasser Kommunikation was once again mainly concentrated in the energy sector, while internal communications and dialogue...
Internal communication and digital transformation
Creating synergies, seizing opportunities
An employee magazine is the traditional choice for most companies when it comes to internal communication.
ECC im Zeichen von Fake News
Mit Lügen umgehen und andere Kommunikationsherausforderungen
Der Schwerpunkt der diesjährigen European Communications Convention (ECC) lag auf dem Thema „Lügen“ und griff damit die Entwicklungen der vergangenen...
Moving images as a PR tool
Conveying complex facts quickly and easily, and portraying issues emotionally and captivatingly are things videos often do better than text. For...
European Communications Convention 2017
Exciting topics and latest trends in communication
The European Communications Convention (ECC), the 3rd international communications conference, is being held in Munich on 22 and 23 March. The venue...
Crisis-ready - a weekend in the war room
Seminar on crisis communications at the TU Ilmenau
For 17 years now, the crisis communications seminar run by Kaltwasser Kommunikation has been a permanent fixture in the TU Ilmenau academic program.
Two aces come up trumps
Social media and specialist press working together
The hype around social media use in corporate communications appears to be continuing – a fact also continually being proven by studies conducted by...
1. FCN hosts DPRG Nordbayern
A Franconian football Friday with Kaltwasser Kommunikation
There are three main things which most people associate with the Franconian city of Nuremberg: Its medieval castle, the world famous Christmas market,...