Wärmewende geht uns alle an
– und ist entscheidend für das Gelingen der Energiewende
Die Begleitung der Transformationen im Wärmesektor mit transparenter Kommunikation ist eine wichtige Grundlage für Verständnis und Akzeptanz
Thought Leadership Communication
Thought leadership gives companies a way to showcase their expertise.
In a competitive, information-driven world, thought leadership is becoming a key differentiator for companies.
Support for young media professionals in Bavaria
As part of our Christmas campaign, we are donating to Junge Presse Bayern e.V.
Donation for Junge Presse Bayern e.V.: We promote high-quality education and lifelong learning for all – in line with our sustainability goals.
Sustainability statement published according to DNK standard
Our contribution to transparency and responsibility in the communications industry
Kaltwasser Kommunikation publishes DNK statement for the first time, highlighting sustainability as part of its corporate strategy
Corporate Volunteering fördert Engagement und Nachhaltigkeit
Soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen wirkungsvoll nach außen tragen
Klare Botschaften und gezielte Kommunikation nutzen, um Corporate Volunteering optimal einzusetzen und intern wie extern Vertrauen und Identifikation...
Capital Office under New Leadership
Corporate Communication and Internationality Strengthened
Laura Bruzzone heads Kaltwasser's Berlin office. The focus is on strategic consulting on future topics with a European perspective.
Winner of the German PR Award 2024
We have been awarded in the Public Affairs category
Our campaign “Future Source Tour 2023” for the Lake Constance water supply won the German PR Award 2024
Among the top 30 agencies in the PR ranking 2022
Ranked 2nd for energy industry, 3rd for environment
Among the top 30 agencies in the PR ranking 2022
Kaltwasser: Our first own sustainability report is ready
Reporting years 2020/2021
We take responsibility. Kaltwasser publishes its own CSR report on sustainability goals, climate balance and agency commitment.