Value-based communication enables a joint change process for more information security
Creating transparency and acceptance, promoting participation, strengthening trust: The introduction of an information security management system at a software company requires tact and sensitivity to the unique corporate culture. The focus here is on the employees' need for creative freedom and personal responsibility.
Our customer harnesses the potential of digital technologies and secures long-term competitive advantages for companies and institutions in increasingly digital market environments with state-of-the-art IT services. The basis of its success is a corporate culture that offers employees a high degree of personal responsibility, creative freedom and initiative. Against the backdrop of continuous growth and increasing requirements, the company is expanding its information security management system (ISMS). In order to make the high level of security visible both internally and externally, the company is striving for certification in accordance with the strict ISO 27k standard - seemingly a contradiction to the employees' free and self-determined way of working.
The goal of internal corporate communications is to win over employees as active advocates and shapers of change. Working together, we create a framework for information security that not only creates important prerequisites for economic success, but also preserves the specific freedoms in the corporate culture.
As communicators, we are tasked with conveying the complex background and processes in an understandable and transparent manner, as well as making the short-, medium- and long-term benefits tangible. In doing so, it is important to address any reservations, prevent possible misunderstandings and resolve any perceived contradictions with the employees' free and self-determined way of working.
The upcoming changes will have a very different impact on the various occupational groups in the company. In order to provide all colleagues with the details that are relevant to them and to address individual questions, we rely on a well-thought-out mix of measures. For example, a digital information brochure provides a general overview of the project, while an entertaining explanatory video presents the concrete changes in everyday working life using exemplary situations; naturally in keeping with the culture: in a humorous way and with a wink.
Im digitalen Auftaktmeeting und einer weiteren Dialogrunde entsteht ein Raum, um auf individuelle Fragen und Anregungen einzugehen – ganz im Sinne des wertebasierten Umgangs im Unternehmen, der Handlungsspielräume und Eigenverantwortung in den Mittelpunkt stellt. So sind es letztendlich Führungskräfte und Mitarbeitende selbst, die die Veränderungen in ihrem Unternehmen gestalten.
Agency services: Conception of the internal communication campaign, core messages and overarching storyline, preparation of the company-wide kickoff meeting, conception and implementation of various measures such as explanatory videos, information brochures, slide decks and a "digital bulletin board", preparation and support for dialog and exchange formats.